Monday, November 29, 2010


The Malay race has been in existence since mankind walked on this land. From infants, they have now grown to adults. When you are an infant and you depend on your parents to provide food and shelter.But after growing up, you still ask for food and shelter in the name of bumiputera or Malay supremacy? What does this make this great race? The true Malay warriors are people like Azmin Ali and Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who seek to break themselves from this culture.
The Malays do not want to be political prostitutes of Umno and its henchman, Perkasa anymore. It's time the Malays 'bangkit' (rise up) and built an identity for themselves that no one can take away or challenge.Do we want our future generations to continue to live a life of manipulation and shame? No more. Malaysians, move forward as one race and one nation.
Geronimo: When Onn Jaafar proposed that Umno should open its doors to the other races, the party thought he must have been out of his mind. Now look at Umno - trying their best to be inclusive under the guise of the BN and its direct membership.PKR, or rather Azizah and Azmin, are doing what Onn Jaafar had been propagating all along. For that, Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah might as well called Onn Jaafar a prostitute.
To Kak Wan Azizah and Azmin, carry on the good work and do what is right for the nation. Once in a while we get someone from 10,000 BC springing forward to tell us what to do. Such primitive thinking, and they don't even realise that the world has moved on.
Cala: I looked up Wan Azizah's speech. Her argument in appealing for the abandonment of the concept of 'ketuanan Melayu' was built on two considerations:
i) the false Umno propaganda that needs it for Malays' survival; and
ii) the false Umno propaganda that needs it for Islam's survival.To be sure, it is clear as daylight that no one is being threatened if 'ketuanan Melayu' were to be taken away. Wan Azizah was right to call a spade a spade.
Remember, the majority poor at the bottom 34 percent of Malaysia's workforce is earning less than RM700 a month, and mind you, the majority of them are Malays. The point is, Arman Azha is confusing himself over a fact that nobody is disputing, that is, everybody knows that the New Economic Policy (and in the same vein, 'ketuanan Melayu'), is used by a small elite group of Umnoputras to mislead its own community.Otherwise how do you explain the predicament of the bottom 34 percent of the workforce is earning less than RM700 a month?
CarL: I may disagree with Arman in many areas, but not with what he has said about PKR leaders and their aims. They have subjected almost everyone - of different race, religion and creed - to whatever they wanted them to hear at that time.This is fast becoming the way of the opposition parties, and they each have their own agenda and use the rakyat as though they are not smart enough to see the ruse and that the rakyat will serve them whenever they make claims to suit the occasion. Their agenda has led to the survival of Perkasa.
Multi Racial: Before Arman Azha Abu Hanifah or anybody from Perkasa shout their lungs off, I would think it is a good idea for them to understand the constitution vis-a-vis Malay rights and/or the rights of others.PKR's Nurul Izzah Anwar has already offered to debate on this publicly. So far, none, including those from Perkasa, have dared to come forward. Why? Is it because they fear to be embarrassed publicly by a young Malay politician who happens to know more than them? Or are they fearful that the truth may be exposed?Whatever it is, this country can do much better without such racists causing trouble.
Henry Hock: The Quran teaches us, "Believers, conduct yourselves with justice and bear true witness, even if it be against yourselves, your parents or your kin" (4:135).But this Muslim wants to practise injustice against the non-Malays because he blindly fear the economic and political imbalance is against him and his own kind. The very word 'ketuanan Melayu' is a reflection of racism. It reminds me of the concept of the supremacy of the Aryan race propounded by Hitler.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perjalanan Pemilihan 2010 masih disangsi - Mustaffa Kamil Ayub

Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa perjalanan pemilihan beberapa hari yang lalu masih belum memuaskan. Unsur-unsur kelompongan yang paparkan dalam memorandum lalu masih berterusan.Beberapa aduan tambahan sedang dalam proses dan beberapa orang calon juga sedang memfailkan beberapa kes khusus untuk disiasat.Ingin ditegaskan bahawa saya meneruskan bertanding jawatan timbalan presiden di dalam protes. Dalam ertikata kita masih sangsi dengan perjalanan pemilihan yang ada, namun demi menyelamatkan perjuangan dan parti serta keadaan, saya meneruskan pertandingan.Saya tetap berpendirian yang juga mewakili sejumlah anggota yang signifikan, bahawa pemilihan 2010 mestilah ditangguhkan bagi memberi masa segala aduan dan bantahan ditangani, proses penambahbaikan JPP, logistik dan semua persiapan pemilihan. Dalam masa yang sama mengambil tindakan tegas dalam membetulkan dakwaan dan tanggapan meluas campurtangan pimpinan tertentu memperalatkan JPP.Tidak ada aibnya kepimpinan mendengar keluhan akarumbi dalam persoalan ini. Malahan rakyat Malaysia akan melihat betapa kepimpinan KEADILAN benar-benar peka dengan sebarang permasalahan, bermula dengan pengendalian persoalan dalaman dan kemudiannya keluhan rakyat keseluruhannya.KEADILAN sewajarnya benar-benar tampil mewakili aspirasi rakyat serta menawarkan model yang terbaik kepada rakyat Malaysia termasuk proses pemilihan parti yang demokratik dari segi konsep serta perlaksanaannya.
Naib Presiden KEADILAN
Calon Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Biro politik PKR telah menerima keputusan bekas pengerusi Wilayah Persekutuan, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim untuk menarik diri daripada persaingan jawatan timbalan presiden.Ini bermakna nama beliau akan dikeluarkan dari kertas undian yang akan digunakan dalam proses pengundian hujung minggu ini dan minggu depan.
Perkara itu disahkan oleh ketua jawatankuasa pemilihan pusat PKR, Dr Molly Cheah."Saya percaya keputusan telah dibuat (oleh biro politik). Tapi bagaimanapun, jika seseorang menarik diri, kita terpaksa menerimanya."Oleh itu, kami tidak akan mencetak lagi kertas undian yang mengandungi namanya," katanya.
Isnin lalu, Zaid mengumumkan menarik diri daripada persaingan jawatan timbalan presiden melalui blognya.Bagaimanapun, kesahihan pengumumannya itu menjadi tandatanya apabila setiausaha agung PKR, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail berkata Zaid belum menyerahkan surat rasmi mengenainya kepada ibupejabat parti.Zaid bagaimanapun berkata tidak perlu baginya menghantar surat rasmi mengenai perkara itu kerana niatnya sudah jelas.Sementara itu, Molly menolak gesaan supaya pemilihan parti digantung ekoran dakwaan berlakunya penyelewengan dan penipuan

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Memang benar setiap parti perlu menghadapi ujian. itu jelas, mari kita doakan agar DSAI dapat menenangkan semula keadaan dan keghairah beberapa orang pemimpin agar berpijak dibumi nyata. TERUSKAN PERJUANGAN REFORMASI!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


DATUK Zaid Ibrahim now wants Azmin Ali and anwar Ibrahim to vacate their leadership of the party..

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kak Wan, what do you want me to do with these ballot papers?

November 6, 2010
By Haris Ibrahim
In my ‘PKR, and its ballot papers, up for sale’ post yesterday, I had said that I was going to meet an individual last night who had contacted me to say that he was in possession of PKR ballot papers for use in the ongoing party elections, and that he would pass the same to me as evidence of his claim.
In fact, that meeting was scheduled to take place this afternoon, but the individual was extremely concerned that I would be followed and that he might be identified by ‘interested’ parties, and so, at his request, I said that the meeting was to take place last night.
I met him about an hour ago.
He was very nervous.
He showed me a stack of ballot papers. They comprised ballot papers for the post of Deputy Presidency, Vice Presidents and Majlis Pimpinan Pusat.
The ballot papers for the Deputy Presidency and Vice Presidents were all serialised whilst the one for the MPP were not.
He had about 100 copies of the ballot papers in all.
I asked if that was all he had.
He replied that if I could wait, he could go back and meet me again later at another location with another 1,000 or more if I wanted.
I asked if I could have the 100 or so ballot papers that he had with him.
He offered to give me one of each provided I promised to blank out the serial numbers as he did not want to get any one into trouble.
I asked who those people might be.
He did not want to reply.
I asked him to explain to me how possession of these ballot papers might be used in the elections.
He explained that the central election committee returning officer could manipulate the list of members attending at the ongoing elections, where voter turnout is low, adjust it upwards and stuff additional ballot papers into the ballot box. Worse, it seems that at some elections, there is not even an attendance list to reflect the number of members attending to vote. This makes it even easier to stuff additional ballot papers into the ballot box.
I asked if he was representing any of the candidates and was that why he was exposing this to me, as the person or persons he was supportive of were being affected.
He admitted that he was doing this because the leadership he favoured were being cheated, but he also said that he was doing this in the hope that something would be done to stop this cheating and, if nothing was in fact done, he saw no reason to remain with the party any longer.
I asked if he knew who was behind this.
Without hesitation, he named Azmin, aided, he said, by the party HQ secretariat, and certain members of the central election committee over which the chair, Dr Molly Cheah, no longer has any control.
I do not have access to a scanner right now, so I have taken photos of the ballot papers, with the serial numbers blocked, which I now reproduce below.

PKR Deputy President Ballot Paper

The front page of the 3-page v-p ballot. The deputy president ballot is inserted in this

V-P candidates 1 and 2

V-P candidates 3-9

V-P candidates 10-15

Front page of the 11-pqge MPP ballot booklet
The MPP ballot paper is a 11-page document
I now have a set each of the ballot papers mentioned above.
The chap I just met claims to have access to thousands.
Who else does?
Is not this election a sham?
If PKR stands for justice, will not Kak Wan step in now?
Will not the leaders taking part in these elections refuse to have anything further to do with this disgraceful pretense at democracy?

Friday, November 5, 2010

MUSTAFFA KAMIL AYUB - Tangguh pemilihan PKR, gantung JPP

PETALING JAYA – Calon Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rak:yat (PKR), Mustaffa Kamil Ayub memohon supaya status Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Parti (JPP) digantung dan proses pemilihan parti ditangguhkan kerana ketelusan dan integriti badan bebas yang mengawal selia hal ehwal pemilihan parti itu diragui. Menurutnya, status JPP perlu digantung dan proses pemilihan parti ditanggung sehingga kewibawaan badan bebas itu diyakini sepenuhnya untuk memastikan kelangsungan perjuangan parti yang berlandaskan keadilan untuk semua. Oleh itu, untuk tujuan tersebut, Mustaffa akan menghantar memorandum cadangan kepada Presiden, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan Pengerusi JPP, Dr Molly Cheah. “Memorandum akan dihantar dalam masa terdekat kerana kami sedang menyiapkan beberapa dokumen tambahan. “Kami ingin menegaskan, bentuk tindakan yang dilakukan ini adalah kerana kami meletakkan kepentingan parti di atas dan supaya ia tidak akan menimbulkan pelbagai masalah dalam proses Pemilihan Parti 2010,” katanya. Beliau yang juga calon Naib Presiden berkata, ketelusan terhadap JPP terus dipertikai pelbagai pihak dengan pelbagai insiden salah laku di mana terdapat kaedah pengendalian tidak bersikap profesional dan bersifat berat sebelah, termasuk penjumlahan undi yang diumumkan tidak konsisten, terutama kedudukan jawatan Timbalan Presiden. “Majoriti calon di peringkat cabang dan pemilihan pusat mempertikai urus kendali yang dijalankan JPP, namun ramai di kalangan mereka mengambil sikap berdiam diri. “Jika tidak ada tindakan proaktif daripada JPP, kami khuatir akan menimbulkan masalah besar terutamanya melibatkan pemilihan bagi cabang-cabang di Selangor yang dianggarkan minimum satu cabang ada 1,000 ahli,” katanya. Mustaffa berkata, sebelum ini, bantahan pernah dikemukakan kepada JPP berikutan berlakunya masalah ketidakseragaman melaksanakan syarat dan peraturan pertandingan, namun sehingga kini tiada apa-apa tindakan diambil.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Keputusan Rasmi Perlu Ada Dokumen Yang Sah !

Ternyata petugas JPP itu boleh mengubah segalanya akibat kaedah yang meragukan. Apatah lagi jika keputusan di cabang hanya dilaporkan menerusi panggilan telefon ke pusat dan dianggap keputusan rasmi. Malah, Setiausaha Agung PKR iaitu Saifuddin Nasution (foto) tidak wajar mengadakan sidang media semalam bagi mengatakan keputusan adalah rasmi. Sedangkan borang asal pengundian serta laporan penuhnya tidak diterima secara sah dan sekadar menerusi panggilan telefon. Bagaimana jika petugas JPP itu khianat dan mendapat "bayaran imbuhan" dari calon-calon tertentu untuk mengubah keputusan berkenaan. Bukankah ini akan mencemarkan proses pemilihan yang kononnya yang terbaik pernah diamalkan itu. Jika keputusan menerusi telefon dikiran sebagai rasmi, apa akan terjadi jika pada borang asal itu adalah sebaliknya. Sesiapa sahaja boleh pastikan calon mereka menang jika hanya menerusi telefon, sepatutnya ada salinan dokumen sah yang boleh dianggap sebagai bukti kukuh. Misalnya petugas JPP dicabang-cabang menghantar email atau fax keputusan berkenaan ke pusat. Sekurang-kurangnya ada satu bukti perkara itu tidak boleh diubah-ubah. Malah keputusan pula perlulah ditandatangani oleh wakil calon berkenaan dan juga petugas terbabit.